With Firealpaca however, u can make the image have more contrast via Layers>Levels (Ctrl+L) and then Layer>Extracting lines, to get a transparent layer of your lineart (where the white gets turned transparent, lines get turned black and you can change their color by locking the Protect Alpha box) and then add a layer for color underneath. Set the export method and click OK to export as an animated GIF.

After you specify a save location, the Animated GIF output settings dialog box will open. png of a drawing and most scanners have their own packaged-in editing software as well, but you can use just about anything that can save raster images. How do you save a clip studio animation as a GIF Select the File menu > Export animation > Animated GIF to open the dialog box for specifying the save location. it does not have a direct scanning function like Photoshop, Photofiltre or many other similar software. You would actually need a scanner to get traditional art onto the computer (or a good hi-definition camera) and from there you can open the image in firealpaca or drag it into FA’s canvas. You can change the opacity, you can lock layers too if you want. You will learn that you are able to use more layers at once, how to save it and give it a name, how to join various layers, split them and then delete them. Anonymous asked: Is there ANY way to scan images into firealpaca? Because I have a habit of drawing really well on small scraps of paper but never being able to recreate it digitally? This video tutorial of firealpaca will help you understand the layers and their specifics.