If you’re already using a supported browser, you can refresh your screen and try again to sign in. Learn more Try using a different browser. Options.add_experimental_option('useAutomationExtension', False)ĭriver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options,ĭriver.get('')Error that is shown by gmail: This browser or app may not be secure. To perform this task, first we have to launch the Gmail login page and locate the email, password and other elements with the findElement method and then perform actions on them. Options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches) More Detail We can automate the Gmail login process using Selenium webdriver in Java. Now using get function we will open up the Gmail website. We will save it’s object in variable named driver. Opening browser and required website webdriver.Chrome () will open new window of chrome. Options.add_argument("-disable-dev-shm-usage") Selenium : to automate browser Taking username and password as input from user Using input () function and passing prompt message as argument. Options.add_argument("-no-sandbox") #bypass OS security model Options.binary_location = "/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome" I am getting the Options() because I am not able to open chrome as it is not in the default location. Is Oauth the right tool? Will using any other browser solve the problem? But, I don't know how to use it or if it is the right tool to use. I looked around and found that OAuth will solve the problem. But, it is showing me this error "This browser or app may not be secure". We will see how to run Selenium Scripts in other browsers. This Test Script will be specifically written for Chrome Browser.

We will use the Mercury Tours demo Flight booking application to learn automation.

I am trying to automate gmail by downloading attachments from my inbox using selenium. In this article, we learn how to automate the login functionality of an application in our first Selenium Webdriver Login Test using Java.